Welcome to First

Welcome front door mat on a white background

You can listen to our 10:30 AM worship service every Sunday morning, no matter where you are at the link below.  Look for the triangle towards the top of the page and click on that to livestream KABI’s broadcast of our worship service:


Welcome! Aligning ourselves with the biblical witness, First United Methodist Church affirms Jesus’ example of inviting all people into God’s loving embrace. We believe that the diversity of our community enriches our journey together in faith. All people (and all means all) are welcome to join in our life together as we strive to live as a profoundly Christ-like church of open hearts, open minds, and open doors and work for the coming kingdom of God.

We worship at 8:15 and 10:30 every Sunday morning in a “blended” style. There are Christian Education opportunities for all ages at 9:30.

For more information, including upcoming events, contact information, maps, and recommended books and links, explore the navigational links to the right and the tabs at the top of this page.